Viết lời chúc sinh nhật độc đáo và ý nghĩa bằng Tiếng Anh (P1)

Hi vọng bài viết này sẽ giúp các bạn gạt đi nỗi lo đó và có được những lời chúc sinh nhật bằng Tiếng Anh ý nghĩa nhất!

Chúc mừng sinh nhật bằng Tiếng Anh

Một lời chúc cho một ngày sinh nhật thật nhiều niềm vui và đáng nhớ là 1 lựa chọn tuyệt vời.

  • “Hope today’s filled with all your favorite guilty pleasures!”
  • “Eat. Drink. Drink a little more. Then take a nap. That’s what I’d suggest if you wanna have a really great birthday. :)”
  • “Hope you make your [25th] a birthday to remember!”
  • “Wishing you good friends, big laughs, spicy wings and lots of ’em on your birthday!”
  • “Hope your day is as sweet, fun and all-around amazing as you are!”
  • “Today is all yours! We hope it’s great!”

Đặc biệt dành cho những người bạn thân hoặc thành viên trong gia đình, bạn sẽ muốn 1 lời chúc không chỉ dành cho 1 ngày sinh nhật vui vẻ mà còn cho cả 1 năm thành công trong cuộc đời họ. Bạn có thể chọn cách viết 1 cách chung chung, hoặc có thể kèm thêm những điều đặc biệt khácc mà người sinh nhật muốn làm hoặc mục tiêu mà họ hướng tới trong cuộc sống.

More general examples

  • “Here’s to another year of living your dreams. Cheers!”
  • “Here’s wishing you another stupendous year on this planet.”
  • “You deserve everything happy. Wishing you that all year long!”
  • “Hope this year is your most laughter-, adventure-, and fun-filled yet!”
  • “Know what I think you deserve this year? Every single thing you want.”
  • “Couldn’t resist this little puppy. I hope you feel the way he looks all day long. Just tail-waggingly ecstatic to be alive in the big, beautiful world. That’s the whole kind of year I wish you.”

More specific examples

  • “Happy [41st]! May this be the year you finally take that fishing trip to Canada! Make it happen!”
  • “Wishing you a happy birthday and another strong, healthy year! You already look amazing. I’ll be cheering you on as you keep working toward your goal.”
  • “Go forth from this birthday and prosper in your [ukulele playing]!”

Ngày sinh nhật là dịp tuyệt vời để bày tỏ những lời khen mà bạn chua có cơ hội nói trước đó. Đừng ngại ngùng bày tỏ cảm xúc của mình trong những lời chúc nhé.


  • “Another year older, and you just keep getting stronger, wiser, funnier and more amazing all around!”
  • “Here’s to another year of wonderful you.”
  • “You’re one tough cookie. Celebrating you!”
  • “Celebrating another wild and wonderful year of you.”
  • “You should be getting paid for how good you look. Seriously.”
  • “You could run circles around most people half your age, but you’re way too nice to show them up like that.”
  • “Don’t think about anything today but having a good time—and of course, soaking up the compliments that will be coming from everybody. You deserve them!”
  • “Every time I get down about the world, I remember there are people like you, going around being good in the world and counteracting the dark forces. You should be on a sci-fi show or something, being the super-powered opposite of evil. Happy Birthday and long may you shine!”

Ngày sinh nhật nhắc chúng ta về những ngừoi quan trọng trong của sống của mình rằng ta yêu họ và thật sự hạnh phúc vì vào ngày này những năm trước họ đã được sinh ra.


  • “Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people in the history of ever.”
  • “Thanks for being here, for being you.”
  • “I’m so glad you’re on this earth.”
  • “I hope you feel loved and appreciated today. Because you are.”
  • “Thanks for being wonderful. Thanks for being you.”
  • “With love that will never stop growing,”
  • “Love you oodles and oodles.”
  • “With warmest wishes and love on your birthday and always,”

Nếu bạn là người lớn tuổi hơn và muốn chia sẻ những điều bạn đã học được trong cuộc sống thì đừng ngần ngại đưa chúng vào trong những lời chúc nhé.

lời chúc sinh nhật bằng tiếng anh


  • “It’s hard to believe you’re turning [20]! Be smart, be safe, have fun, take pictures, and enjoy every minute of this exciting time in your life!”
  • “Just remember birthdays aren’t about numbers. Birthdays are about our chance to celebrate you and tell you how much we love you! Have a great one!”
  • “I hope you enjoy being [40]! That was a while ago for me, but I do remember this: It was great…and it just kept getting better from there. On your birthday, that’s what I’m wishing for you, too.”
  • “Time to celebrate! We can still dance the night away at our age—we just need to invest in some gel insoles first.”
  • “Wishing you a happy birthday and a year of being good to yourself, embracing life’s joys and realizing that the best is truly yet to come!”

Nếu bạn thật sự thân với họ thì những câu nói bông đùa trong lời chúc của bạn chắc chắn sẽ khiến họ bật cười đấy.


  • “I think you’re officially vintage now!”
  • “Welcome to the age of ear hair!”
  • “Happy act-your-shoe-size day!”
  • “Happy Birthday to a [brother] who always keeps me laughing (about 99% WITH you and 1% AT you).”
  • “Remember: Middle-age memory = No regrets.”
  • “Party ’til you’re pooped! (At our age, it shouldn’t take long.)”
  • “I hope your birthday spanking is delivered by a combination of [Matt Damon, George Clooney and Brad Pitt]. If you’re not into spanking, forget I said anything. Just have a very happy birthday!”
  • “A wise poet once said, ‘What is time? All is meaningless, especially how many candles on thy cake. Age and numbers can biteth me!’ OK, maybe that was me instead of a wise poet.”

Nếu như niềm tin là 1 cách mà bạn nhìn vào cuộc sống thì đừng ngần ngại viết ra những lời từ trái tim.


  • “God bless you on your birthday.”
  • “So grateful that God put you on this earth and in my life.”
  • “Wishing you a happy birthday and a year that’s blessed.”
  • “Happy Birthday to a [son] who is such a blessing to us every day.”
  • “Lifting you up in prayer on your birthday. Asking God to give you a sweet day and a year filled with joy.”
  • “I am not that good of a Christian, but when I see someone like you, providing a living example, it really helps. I think God wanted me to get to know someone like you, so I could see how it’s done day by day. You are such an inspiration to me. Thanks for being my friend.”

Hãy cho họ rằng bạn hiểu họ thể nào bằng cách nhắc về những kỉ niệm cùng nhau.


  • “There are a lot of highlights from your year of being [33], but if I had to choose just one, it would definitely be [your one-handed cartwheel when you spoke at chapel]! So awesome! Wishing you many more moments like that as a [strong, acrobatic woman of 34]!”
  • “Wow! So much has happened for you since your last birthday. You [moved to a great new house, finished your M.B.A. and became a dad to the world’s most adorable baby]. You’re officially on a roll, birthday [boy]! Hope the next year of your life is just as eventful and happy!”
  • “Remember how over the moon you were on your [6th] birthday when [Dad wheeled in your new blue bike]? I hope this birthday finds you smiling just as big.”
  • “I’m thinking about your last birthday. I seriously recommend celebrating any way but THAT!”
  • “Hope your birthday is as fun as those middle-school slumber parties back in the day! Minus [Kristi Sears’ screaming]. Plus [wine].”

Trích dẫn những câu nói mà bạn thấy tâm đắc và muốn gửi gắm đến họ cũng không phải là ý tồi.


  • ‘I celebrate myself and sing myself’ — Walt Whitman It’s your birthday—party like Walt would!”
  • ‘I am not young but I feel young. The day I feel old, I will go to bed and stay there. J’aime la vie! I feel that to live is a wonderful thing.’ — Coco Chanel Stay young at heart! Happy Birthday!”
  • ‘Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be…’ — Robert Browning How I love growing older with you.”
  • ‘You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream…’ — C.S. Lewis From one dreamer to another, Happy Birthday!”

Muộn còn hơn không. Hãy cứ gửi đi lời chúc của mình. Bạn có thể kèm thêm lời xin lỗi hoặc nói đùa rằng bạn cố tính để muốn kéo dài ngày sinh nhật của họ ^^.


  • “So sorry these birthday wishes are late reaching you. I hope it was happy!”
  • “Happy Birthday…a little late!”
  • “You’re receiving this NOW and not on your ACTUAL birthday, because I am extremely thoughtful and wanted to be sure the celebration of YOU was not limited to just one day. That is so nice of me, right? Well, you are worth it.”
  • “At least my Happy Birthday text was on time. That counts for something, right? ☺ Happy Belated Birthday!”
  • “I don’t know where my head was but I forgot your birthday! Until now! I’m glad I finally remembered because it gives me a chance to say how great I think you are (and stand out from the vast crowd who said it on the right day!). You’re amazing and awesome, and I hope you have a great ALL YEAR.”

chúc mừng sinh nhật bằng tiếng anh

(Còn nữa)

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5 Lý Do Khiến Bố Mẹ Chọn Cuốn & Hoolong Làm Địa Điểm Tổ Chức Sinh Nhật Cho Bé

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✨ Thực đơn đa dạng - bổ dưỡng với nguồn nguyên liệu an toàn

✨ Không gian sang trọng, riêng tư, rộng rãi

✨ Đội ngũ nhân viên chuyên nghiệp

✨ Chi phí hợp lý với những ưu đãi hấp dẫn

Nhà hàng Cuốn N Roll

🏡 Cuốn 1: số 18 Đoàn Trần Nghiệp, HBT, HN

📞 0243 978 1096

🏡 Cuốn 2: tầng 3 nhà D2, Giảng Võ, BĐ, HN

📞 0243 201 8555

🏡 Cuốn 3: 17T6 Hoàng Đạo Thúy, TX, HN

📞 0246 251 2181

🏡 Cuốn 4: Tầng 1, Sunrise Building, 90 Trần Thái Tông, CG, HN

📞 0243 200 8889

Nhà hàng Hoolong - Dumpling Bar

🏡 số 18 Đoàn Trần Nghiệp, HBT, HN

📞 0243 978 1096

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